The Alphabet

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Forfatter: iQimpressions, LLC.
1.99 USD

The Alphabet is an iQsong game in which children can interact with all the letters while learning the correct sequence of the alphabet.

-Watch & Listen for each letter in sequence
-Touch and Drag any Letter
-Push letters to collide with other letters
-3 Levels of Fun
-Buy iQsongs within the Game

What are iQsongs?
They are an educational tool that can enhance and entice a young mind through musical patterns & sequences for a unique learning experience.

We are taught from an early age that ABC’s are the first form of letter sequencing that is learned in the English language. From there onwards, we progress to reading & writing. It is with this simple concept that iQsongs has taken the next step to collaborate music and education. The emphasis on memorization and repetitions will allow your child to learn in an independent environment at home or school. Learning these patterns with music can help your child recall facts more easily and further grow their interests and knowledge about the world.

There are 14 iQsongs that cover subject areas ranging from Music, Language, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Arts, Geography and Astronomy. Children have an amazing ability to quickly learn & memorize any song. They can remember the lyrics even if they contain words they do not comprehend yet.

How do you use iQsongs?
Each iQsong is specifically designed to appeal to children of all ages. The main goal is to build a “fundamental” awareness in early childhood and a strong foundation to learn more for the later years. Additionally, these iQsongs can aid in developing a child’s knowledge of a particular subject when he or she isn’t even aware of the learning process. The mission is to provide confidence to your child in understanding these subjects as they are further explored. Overall, we hope these concepts will jumpstart the learning experience of your child and lead to a successful learning curve.

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